R - مقاسات جزئية اولية من النمط


Mohammed Baqer Hashim al Hakeem
Zinah M K AL-Shuhaib


Abstract.  is a commutative ring with unity.  is a sub-module of a non- zero left R-module , In this paper, first we define the notion of residual of a Sub-module in D  which is an ideal in a ring  and then we obtain some related results. In particular ,we state and prove some proposition. We need in this paper some concepts as multiplication  module , prime sub-module and an injective envelope . Finally we will introduce a new concept “ prime sub-module “. In this paper concepts of prime sub-modules and some other notions will be studied, as well as the relationship between properties of prime sub-modules  and other sub-modules . we will be studied image of  prime sub-module . Also  the relationship between the properties of prime sub-modules and other sub-modules.   


How to Cite
al Hakeem, M., & AL-Shuhaib, Z. (2020). R - مقاسات جزئية اولية من النمط. Warith Scientific Journal, 2(1), 231-234. Retrieved from https://autoconfig.wsj.uowa.edu.iq/index.php/warith/article/view/54